А вот и цветная!Снежная зима

Media Luna

Lahluha nushuan
Khadduha bustan
Lahruha raqian
Jismuha reehan
Wosluha reedwan
Lohluha burhan
Wosluha reedwan
Hathalmaq beethalik alkhaddi
Min almahasin nathuma
Al 'qadi
Ghusm wabatz
Washump see saddi
Washump see saddi
Washump see saddi

Anaa baakhsha qyun al insi
Badaa baaghsha oyun al insi
Badaa baaghsha oyun al insi

The time that I spent with her made me high
Her cheek is a garden, her back is a (precious stone)
Her body is reehan (fragrance), if you get a relation with her - it's
heaven. Time that I spent with her is prove for that.
If you get relation with her - it's heaven.
That beauty in that cheek.
From all these different beauties you can make a neckless
Branch, moon and sun of happiness.
I'm afraid of the eyes of human
And it seems it covers the eyes of human.

It also contains Spanish lyrics:

Su mirada es vino
Su mirada es vino
Su mejilla un huerto
Como en un collar en su cintura
Se engarza en mil joyas de hermosura
Ramos son de suerte a media luna
Ramos son de suerte a media luna

Se engarza en mil joyas de hermosura
Ramos son de suerte a media luna

Como en un collar en su cintura

Its glance is wine
Its glance is wine
Its cheek is a vegetable garden
Like in a collar in its waist
It latches in a thousand jewels of beauty
Bouquets are of luck at half-moon
Bouquets are of luck at half-moon

It latchs in a thousand jewels of beauty
Bouquets are of luck at half-moon

Like in a colla
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Красивая песня. Вдохновляющая.