Речка Лапшанга веснойПрограмму бездисковой загрузки компьютеров...


Пишу сейчас программу.
И вот ЭТО надо прочитать и изучить, чтобы её написать.
И чтобы она работала.
И работала без ошибок.
И вот таких вот страниц текста там десятки!
И надо не только это прочитать и перевести, но и понять сам принцип, как это программировать...
Куда я попал? :))


Size, in bytes, of the MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure. The size must be large enough to contain the base MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure. When mixerGetControlDetails returns, this member contains the actual size of the information returned. The returned information will not exceed the requested size, nor will it be smaller than the base MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure.


Control identifier on which to get or set properties.


Number of channels on which to get or set control properties. The following values are defined:


Use this value when the control is a MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_CUSTOM control.


Use this value when the control is a MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLF_UNIFORM control or when an application needs to get and set all channels as if they were uniform.


Use this value when the properties for the control are expected on all channels for a line.

An application cannot specify a value that falls between 1 and the number of channels for the audio line. For example, specifying 2 or 3 for a four-channel line is not valid. This member cannot be 0 for noncustom control types.


Handle of the window that owns a custom dialog box for a mixer control. This member is used when the MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILSF_CUSTOM flag is specified in the mixerSetControlDetails function.


Number of multiple items per channel on which to get or set properties. The following values are defined:


Use this value for all controls except for a MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLF_MULTIPLE or a MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_CUSTOM control.

MIXERCONTROL cMultipleItems member.

Use this value when the control class is MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLF_MULTIPLE.


Use this value when the control is a MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_CUSTOM control and the MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILSF_CUSTOM flag is specified for the mixerSetControlDetails function. In this case, the hwndOwner member overlaps with cMultipleItems, providing the value of the window handle.

When using a MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_CUSTOM control without the MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_CUSTOM flag, specify zero for this member.
An application cannot specify any value other than the value specified in the cMultipleItems member of the MIXERCONTROL structure for a MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLF_MULTIPLE control.


Size, in bytes, of one of the following details structures being used:


Comments (1):

  • Это и есть нормальная работа программиста, который касается взаимодействия с системой.