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To send an XHR request to another domain:

* Define a JavaScript object that implements the XHR interface (a Facade).
* Use that object instead of an actual XHR object.
* For the Facade's send() method, serialize the request headers, method, URL and data.
* The browser places a limit on the size of a document's URL, so the Client document breaks this serialized data into a set of fragment identifiers that will fit under the URL limit.
* The Client document sends each fragment identifier to the Server document. The Server document sends an acknowledgement back to the Client, and the Client sends the next fragment identifier, until all are sent.
* The Server document assembles the fragment identifier parts into the original serialized data, unpacks it into an object, then uses a real XHR object (now on the Server's domain) to do the final API service call.
* The Server document then serializes the XHR response, and sends it back to the Client using fragment identifier segments.
* The Client unpacks the serialized response, and sets the appropriate values on the XHR Facade.